Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Scientific and practical journal, Moscow

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Журнал - Современная наука: Естеств. и Техн. науки

The magazine «"Modern Science: actual problems of theory and practice"»
Series Естественные и Технические Науки - №3 2019

Read the full text of the issue ...

General biology
Structure of meadow and marsh communities waders of the valley of the Barguzin riverBadmayeva E. N., (Buryat State university Ulan-Ude, Russia)
Pyzhikova E. M., (Buryat State university Ulan-Ude, Russia)
P. 6-9
Innovative soil recultivation methodsGermanova S. E., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Dremova T. V., (Assistant, RUDN University)
Sambros N. B., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Petukhov N. V., (candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
Petrovskaya P. A., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
P. 10-12
About the quantitative indices branchings of sprout of cereals in ekologo-botanicheskih researchesGorchakova A. Y., (Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute, Saransk, Russia)
P. 13-18
Sensitization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Maupas by Cu2+ and Cd2+ ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Egorova A. , (Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan)
Kalinnikova T. , (Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan)
Kolsanova R. , (Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan)
Gainutdinov M. , (Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan)
Shagidullin R. , (Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan)
P. 19-24
The impact of anthropogenic impact on the chemical composition Dаctylis glomerаtaElcheva I. , (Russian State Social University (Moscow))
Zubkova V. , (Russian State Social University (Moscow))
P. 25-30
Systematic analysis of ecological term Zorina A. A., (k.b.s., docent, Petrozavodsk state University, Petrozavodsk)
P. 31-36
Association of polymorphisms –262 C >T of CAT gene and G/A of PDE7B gene with the risk of male infertilityMyandina G. I., (Dr.Sc. (Biol.), professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
Alhejoi H. , (post-graduate student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
Kulchenko N. G., (candidate of medical Sciences, doctor of urology, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, senior lecturer, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
P. 37-41
Inoformatika, computer facilities and management
Model of the system of formation of images of the user terminal of modern information-telecommunication networksBessoltsev V. , (Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg))
P. 42-44
Threading in Qt 5 and treatment of critical situations in multi-threaded applicationsBondarenko R. N., (National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow)
Romanenkov A. M., (National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow)
P. 45-51
Features of application of neural network technology to the task of monitoring the security of automated information systemsVershinin A. N., (Senior lecturer, Moscow state University of Radioelectronics – Russian University of technology)
P. 52-59
Application of web-technologies in management problems solving in healthcare serviceGeger E. , (Bryansk State Technical University)
Yurkova О. , (Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University)
Fedorenko S. , (Bryansk State Technical University)
P. 60-62
Method of supporting decision making on the management of the systematization of reorganization process of the structures of social institutes of BangladashGhosh K. P., (Volgograd State Technical University)
Shcherbakov M. V., (Volgograd State Technical University)
P. 63-68
Mathematical model of search of the active centers in structure of interaction of proteins with small molecules SO2, H2S, NO2, NH3Zolotareva N. V., (FSBEI HE Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan )
Evsina E. M., (SAEI AR HE Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Astrakhan, Astrakhan)
P. 69-73
Necessary and sufficient condition of the functional extremum in the tasks of digital video image compression, solved by methods of classical variation calculationKalistratov D. S., (Tula State University)
P. 74-79
The development of OPC WEB server for secure data transfer between hardware and software complexesKochetkov V. V., (lead electronics engineer, JSC "Inter RAO-power generation "branch" Verkhnetagilskaya GRES")
P. 80-85
Design technology initiating program mechanism for inlined analogue clock with daily rate emulationTaran V. V., (candidate of cultural studies, All-Russian Institute of scientific and technical information RAS)
P. 86-93
Automation and ultrasonic control of the process of electric power delivery via the intelligent laser channel to the dynamic Electromechanical ConverterTerentiev V. E., (professor, academic Russian Academy of Transport, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping)
P. 94-98
Classification system of textured images based on fuzy logicTutygin V. S., (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg)
Al Windi B. K., (Postgraduate, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg)
P. 99-106
System of recognition of plant diseases on leaves images on the basis of fuzzy logic and neural networkTutygin V. S., (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg)
Al Windi B. K., (Postgraduate, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg)
Ryabtsev I. A., (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg)
P. 107-115
An overview of the development of ERP systems and typical risks of their implementationFeofanov A. N., (Moscow State Technical University "STANKIN)
Baranov N. E., (Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation)
P. 116-119
Acoustic threat of information leakage by means of modulation of visible lightShvyrev B. A., (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia)
Timonov D. A., (Head of laboratory, Krasnodar higher military school of the General of army S. M. Shtemenko)
P. 120-124
Direction of development of video surveillance systemShirendev U. , (Postgraduate student, Peoples' friendship University of Russia)
Pupkov K. A., (doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Peoples' friendship University of Russia)
P. 125-128
Creation and system provided implementation of model of asynchronous data processingUdin D. S., (Graduate student, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute )
P. 129-131
Clinical medicine
Morphological features of the placenta structure cause-specific type of hemodynamics of pregnantAzarova K. O., (Postgraduate Student, Yaroslavl State Medical University)
Okhapkin M. B., (MD, Professor, Yaroslavl State Medical University)
Ershova Y. V., ( PhD, Associate Professor, Yaroslavl State Medical University)
Yalcev A. V., (MD, Professor, Yaroslavl State Medical University)
P. 132-137
Antiphospholipid antibodies as a perinatal risk factor in women with multiple thyroid disordersAligadzhiev M. A., (assistant, Dagestan scientific center RAMS, Dagestan State Medical academy of the Federal Agency for health and social development of the Russian Federation)
Radjabova S. S., (grand phD, candidate of medical Sciences, assistant Professor, Dagestan scientific center RAMS, Dagestan State Medical academy of the Federal Agency for health and social development of the Russian Federation)
P. 138-143
Anomalies of patrimonial activity at the multigiving birth women in the Republic of DagestanAligadzhiev M. A., (assistant, Dagestan scientific center RAMS, Dagestan State Medical academy of the Federal Agency for health and social development of the Russian Federation)
Radjabova S. S., (grand phD, candidate of medical Sciences, assistant Professor, Dagestan scientific center RAMS, Dagestan State Medical academy of the Federal Agency for health and social development of the Russian Federation)
P. 144-148
Diabetic embryopathy of newborns: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, preventionBogatyreva L. N., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, gynecologist, Ingush State University)
Albakova M. K., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate Professor, pediatrician, Ingush State University)
Albakova K. A., (senior Lecturer, pediatrician, Ingush State University)
P. 149-151
Clinical case atypical odontogenic sepsisGromov A. L., (Ph.D., associate Professor of the Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
Ivanov S. V., (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
Tishkov D. S., (Ph.D., associate Professor, Kursk State Medical University, Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
Shchenin A. V., (postgraduate student, Kursk State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
P. 152-155
Application of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells for stimulation of cartillage regenerationYezhov M. Y., (MD, professor, Volga Federal District Research Medical University)
Yezhov I. Y., (MD, professor, Volga Federal District Research Medical University; Federal Regional Medical Center of Federal Medical-Biological Agency)
Malyshev E. S., (MD, professor, Volga Federal District Research Medical University)
Malov A. A., (PhD, assistant professor, Volga Federal District Research Medical University; State Budget Health Organization «Nizhniy Novgorod regional clinical hospital n.a. N.A. Semashko»)
Gerasimov S. A., (orthopaedic surgeon, Volga Federal District Research Medical University)
P. 156-161
Substantiation of using diplen-films in complex treatment of periodontal diseasesKochkina N. N., (candidate of medical sciences, Orenburg State Medical University)
Polyakova E. V., (senior lecturer, Orenburg State Medical University)
Lavrenchuk J. S., (Orenburg State Medical University)
P. 162-164
Orthodontic preparation of the oral cavity for prostheticsLeontieva A. V., (Academician I.P. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University)
Dubenko D. A., (Academician I.P. Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University)
P. 165-170
The dependence of the level of lactoferrin from indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in chronic kidney diseaseMirzoeva S. S., (Kazan state medical University)
Garafeeva R. R., (Kazan state medical University)
Gerikhanova M. M., (Kazan state medical University)
P. 171-175
Placental abruption. Analysis of clinical casesNechaeva J. S., (doctor, assistant Lecturer of the Tver State Medical University)
Kurako I. A., (Tver State Medical University)
Firsova A. G., (Tver State Medical University)
P. 176-179
The state of thestrain and strainrate at rest and during the load test, depending on the severity of coronary artery diseasePirtskhalava S. D., (graduate student, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow)
Asymbekova E. U., (Doctor of Medicine, Leading Researcher, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow)
Shakhnazaryan L. S., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cardiologist, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow)
Yusufov B. T., (graduate student, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow)
Buziashvili Y. I., (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow)
P. 180-187
Deprogramming as the primary stage in total reconstruction of occlusionTerekhov M. S., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Khabadze Z. S., (сandidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Davreshyan G. K., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Kojevnikova L. A., (PhD, Senior Lecturer, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Slonova V. M., (PhD, Senior Lecturer, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Magomedov O. M., (Resident, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
P. 188-193
SMARTbuilder as the key to a successful GBR during implantationKhabadze Z. S., (сandidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Mokhamed El-Khalaf R. , (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Bagdasarova I. V., (сandidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Balashova M. E., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Abdulkerimova S. M., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Bakaev Y. A., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Kulikova A. A., (Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
P. 194-199
Comparison of the use of index assessment of malocclusion: analysis and evaluation of previous studiesChernomorchenko N. S., (postgraduate student, Saint-Petersburg State University)
P. 200-205
Comparative evaluation of the effect of laser radiation on the regeneration of periodontal tissues in an experimental morphometric study in vivoChunikhin A. , (Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov )
Bazikyan E. , (Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov )
P. 206-211
Modern approaches to the treatment of actinomycosis of the anterior abdominal wall (case study)Yashnov A. , (Chita state medical Academy)
Konovalova O. , (Chita state medical Academy)
Khanina Y. , (Chita state medical Academy)
Yashnova N. , (Clinical medical center city of Chita)
Norpolova C. , (LTD «ACADEMY»)
Norpolov S. , (Clinical medical center city of Chita)
P. 212-214
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