Savin V. V. (Branch VPO "National Research University "MEI" in Volzhsky)
Vasilyev P. S. (Volgograd State Technical University)
The article deals with the manifestation of the discrete numerical proportions of the Fibonacci series in natural phenomena, nuclear engine processes water molecules. The assumption of the quantum essence Fibonacci spiral, which provides a transition from the micro structures in the macro structure. It is proposed to consider the quantum energy model Fibonacci spiral as a self-supporting system capable of quantization. Spend an original philosophical analysis autotrophy problems in the interpretation of quantum energy model Fibonacci spiral, which is closely related to the proportion of the golden section algorithm.
Keywords:autotrophic, a self-sustaining system, the Golden ratio, ratios of Fibonacci series, quantum mechanics, atomic engine, a water molecule, the nodes quantization.
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Citation link: Savin V. V., Vasilyev P. S. Philosophical view of the Fibonacci spiral as quantum energy model in the concept autotrophic // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2016. -№04. -С. 70-74 |