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Features of the Genesis of religious traditions: theoretical and practical aspects (on the example of Russian Orthodox tradition)

Pelevin Alexey Viktorovich  (graduate student of the faculty of the Department of philosophy and political science Moscow state technical University. N. Uh. Bauman (Kaluga branch) )

Lovetsky Gennady Ivanovich  (Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Sci-ence of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University Kaluga Branch)

in the article the questions of the functionality of the phenomenon of religious traditions, analyzes the key factors of its determination on the example of domestic Orthodox tradition. Emphasizes the complexity and contradictions of this process that ultimately determined polysemantic perception and understanding of the Orthodox religious tradition within the framework of Russian philosophy. The author points to the relevance of the study of the essence of religious traditions in the conditions of crisis of moral foundations of modern Russian society. Thus is formulated the author's definition of religious traditions as a sustainable system forms and principles of social life and behavior of people, historically formed under the influence of objective factors and social relations associated with the spread of religious mentality – a generalized worldview formed under the influence of certain religious dogma. The author treats religious tradition as the most important factor in social communication and socialization, acting ultimately as a key determinant of formation of stable social cohesion. The emergence of religious traditions, according to the author, due to exposure to a wide variety of factors, mainly the subjective properties associated with the Outlook and worldview of an individual. In addition, the occurrence of this phenomenon inuenced by factors beyond its control, primarily the conditions of the historical development of a society in the present case, Russian. The article notes that throughout the history of the Russian state, the Orthodox veroispovedaniy acted as the host base for the existence and evolution of religious traditions. In this regard, especially the adoption of Orthodoxy is largely determined by the characteristic features of this phenomenon.

Keywords:Religious tradition, Orthodoxy, duality.


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Citation link:
Pelevin A. V., Lovetsky G. I. Features of the Genesis of religious traditions: theoretical and practical aspects (on the example of Russian Orthodox tradition) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№03-04. -С. 69-73
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