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Features of the philosophy of Ancient India and China

Dontsov Nikita Vadimovich  (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Ancient Oriental philosophy is a tentative title, a unifying philosophical systems of Ancient China and Ancient India. Eastern philosophy creates a developed philosophical doctrines, and for Eastern cultures typical of the inseparable connection of religion and philosophy. Therefore, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism exist as a unified philosophical-religious system. However, they represent a very great interest as the cradle of world philosophy. It was here that originated the philosophy. Despite the seeming exoticism, the philosophical systems of China and India aspire to the same things and Western philosophy the search for the fundamental principles of the universe, to study the issues of existence and non-existence, the development of philosophical ethics. Therefore, the study of Eastern philosophy continues to be important and relevant today.

Keywords:ancient philosophy, philosophy of China, the philosophy of Ancient India, philosophical and religious systems of the Brahmins, Buddhism.


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Citation link:
Dontsov N. V. Features of the philosophy of Ancient India and China // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№05-06. -С. 72-77
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