Guseva Anastasija Sergeevna (applicant of Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The public has once again sought out the works of Gustav Klutsis in recent years – his art is being studied, and there are international exhibitions of his works. Yet his artistic heritage was nearly lost to posterity entirely after he was arrested and executed in 1937. His name dropped into obscurity for a considerable period after his death. During searches in the archives in material about the Futurist poet A.E.Kruchenyx, an extensive series of sketches and preparatory drawings for future photo-montages by Klutsis were discovered. Unfortunately many of them are not signed or identified, and several images cannot be identified at all. However, a section of this archive, with an author's text by G Klutsis, is of great interest.This material offers a new chance for understanding of his life, work, and creative legacy.
We can use these Klutsis sketches which have survived to trace the path of his creative developments – and conclude that he often repeated a successful shape he had created, and compositions which he had spent a long time working on. Sometimes, when he found an ideal shape, he would repeated several times in his works.
Keywords:Klucis, Gustav Klucis, constructivism, posters, political posters
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Citation link: Guseva A. S. New discoveries in the archives about the work of Gustav Klucis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№07-08. -С. 14-23 |