Andrushchenko Olga Nikolaevna (postgraduate student of the KSPU them.In.P.Astafieva)
The article is devoted to identifying and examining factors in the development of the vitality of adolescents enrolled in the cadet corps. Data are given of an experimental study confirming the hypothesis that there are relationships between individual psychological characteristics and vitality of the adolescents enrolled in the cadet corps, describes the relationship between variables such as temperament, extroversion, neuroticism, motivation, reflexivity, and scale values by the method of SMIL. The study involved 160 people (male), aged 13-16 years. It is shown that the factors in the development of the vitality of adolescents enrolled in the cadet corps, provide the development of the structural components of viability: adaptability, openness to experience, vitality and resolve tier contradictions of the development of self-evaluation, personal and professional self-determination, self-development and manifestation of the subject positions in the planning and organizing behavior and activity.
Keywords:viability, subject, levels of viability, vitality and development.
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Citation link: Andrushchenko O. N. Factors of viability of the adolescents enrolled in the cadet corps // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№07-08. -С. 24-28 |