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The features of communication between people with different types of accentuations

Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna  (grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University)

In recent years the process of integration of different areas of psychological knowledge, one of the leading roles in which played social psychology. Especially important is the attempt to integrate the socio-psychological context of human studies, for example, in the process of communicating with other people and approaches typical of traditional psychology of personality and individual differences. To this type of work is adjacent and this article is another attempt to integrate studies in two areas - the psychology of the individual, in particular, its section such as the theory of accentuation, and social psychology - on the example of analysis of features of communication.

Keywords:types of accentuation, features of communication, social psychology, conflict interaction.


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Citation link:
Arpentieva M. R. The features of communication between people with different types of accentuations // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№07-08. -С. 29-37
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