Luginina Anna Grigorievа (Candidate of philosophical Sciences, FGBOU "Kuban state agrarian University" name I. T. Trubilin Krasnodar)
Nikitin Grigory Mikhailovich (Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor, FGBOU "Kuban state agrarian University" name I. T. Trubilin Krasnodar)
Virtual reality has such significant characteristics as dynamism, variability, interacting with society, leading to fundamental changes in the pace of cultural transformations that also occur with increasing speed.
Virtual reality is becoming an integral part of human life, not only involved in the human exploration of traditional culture, reflected through the content of a virtual reality, but through the virtual communication affects the formation of a new culture, regulating and defining the human behavior in virtual space.
Virtual reality becomes a mediator in the relationship of man with the surrounding world and often replaces it, becoming the exclusive environment of the human being, whereby the person acquires a greater degree of freedom she exercises in the virtual reality.
Keywords:virtual reality, culture, communication, myths, philosophers.
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Citation link: Luginina A. G., Nikitin G. M. Virtual reality as a sociocultural phenomenon // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№11-12. -С. 72-77 |