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The mentality of the Mongolian people

Sapozhnikova Olesya Andreevna  (senior lecturer, Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov)

informal institutions: religious ethics, traditions, values, worldview, motives of behavior in a certain ethnic group are the deep regulators of social phenomena. It is in the ethnic environment that an integral set of basic values and sustainable behavioural norms is formed. In the context of growing globalization, it is ethnic group that plays a huge role in the formation of culture. The relevance of the topic of the article is that mentality (mentality) is the basis for the formation of the culture of the people, in particular Mongolian. Mongolian peoples have attracted attention since ancient times. This can be supported by the words of the American historian and writer D. Weatherford: "the Mongols formed the core of a new universal culture and the world system. She was held for a long period of development and formed the basis of the modern world system with the characteristic Mongol interest in free trade, open society, shared knowledge, secular politics, religious tolerance, international law and diplomatic immunity...Due to the fact that the Mongols brought peace and prosperity to many lands and kingdoms, Western scholars later called the XIV century Pax Mongolica (Mongol peace) or Pax Tatarica…» [8].

Keywords:informal institutions, the Mongolian peoples mentality (the mentality of); hospitality, gravity, deliberation, self-sufficiency, observation, curiosity, foresight, freedom, belief in Heaven, margalis.


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Citation link:
Sapozhnikova O. A. The mentality of the Mongolian people // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№04. -С. 64-66
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