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The psychology and pedagogical aspects of demand of additional actions for hygienic education of a population

Razhina Natal'ya Yur'evna  (Omsk State Medical University)

Storozhenko Viktor Yur'evich  (Omsk State Medical University)

Turmij Valeriya Aleksandrovna  (Omsk State Medical University)

Development of the preventive direction becomes again relevant after the undertaken reforms in health care and is legislatively enshrined in the development strategy for 2018-2020. Purpose: to investigate demand of additional actions for hygienic education at the population has been defined for search of qualitative and at the same time economic preventive actions. Tasks: to study opinions of doctors and patients about efficiency of the realized hygienic education, to define the main sources of preventive information and also to establish the reasons of demand of additional actions in this direction at the population. Materials and methods: 537 respondents are more senior than 20 years which don't have medical education, and 134 practicing doctors of different specialties BUZOO of Omsk participated in oral and written poll. Conclusions: 1) doctors (55%) and patients (35%) consider a realized hygienic education ineffective, and find need of new approaches for this direction; 2) the main sources of preventive information for respondents are: 20-60 years – the Internet (32%), doctors (30%); 61 and more years – doctors (47%); 3) the demand of additional preventive information at respondents is caused by lack of a possibility of holding a full-fledged preventive conversation on outpatient appointment and insufficient efficiency of medical examination.

Keywords:prevention, hygienic education, sanitary and preventive education, knowledge, efficiency.


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Citation link:
Razhina N. Y., Storozhenko V. Y., Turmij V. A. The psychology and pedagogical aspects of demand of additional actions for hygienic education of a population // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№07. -С. 48-54
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