Fusu Larisa Ivanovna (candidate of medical Sciences, associate professor, Higher School of Economics)
The article presents a philosophical analysis of the conceptual field of liminality as a factor in the formation of the identity of subjects (individuals, social groups). The methodological basis was the phenomenological theory. Conceptualization of the liminality in this article is based on the relationship "Me and Other". The "other" appears in various hypostases (Other, Alien). Based on the dominance of this mode, the identity of the subject is formed. Liminality serves as a buffer. The prolonged period of identification leads to the destruction of identity. The author of the article analyzes the theoretical matrix with reference to modern Russian society. Several spaces are analyzed: political, economic, sociocultural, civil, professional and gender. The process of identity formation of subjects in each of these spaces is considered. A conclusion is made about the dominance of pseudo- liminal over the liminal. A conclusion is drawn on the prolonged character of the liminal period in different spaces of identity formation of subjects.
Keywords:liminal, pseudoliminal, identity, identification, social space, phenomenology.
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Citation link: Fusu L. I. Phenomenological interpretation of the liminal and pseudo- liminal in the context of the formation of the polyidentical space of Russian society // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№07. -С. 74-79 |