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Philosophy of language literary text. Apophatic in the poem of Marina Tsvetaeva “Tsarevna” and some eastern cultural parallels

Dudareva Marianna A.  (candidate of Philology, senior lecturer, Peoples ' friendship University of Russia)

Nikitina Vlada V.  (candidate of Philology, associate Professor, Peoples ' friendship University of Russia)

The article raises the issues of folklore Tsvetaeva and much attention is paid to the apophatic moments in the text. The object of the research is the poem-fairy tale "King-Maiden", the imagery of which is associated with folk aesthetics. Many metaphors, dark apophatic places in the text can be decoded only through the language of myth and folklore. Parallels with Eastern cultural literature (Japanese, Chinese) tradition allow a deeper understanding of the images of Stepmother, the tsarevna.

Keywords:language, idiostyle, philosophy, eidology, Tsvetaeva, myth, folklore.


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Citation link:
Dudareva M. A., Nikitina V. V. Philosophy of language literary text. Apophatic in the poem of Marina Tsvetaeva “Tsarevna” and some eastern cultural parallels // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№06. -С. 107-111
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