Klimovich Alexander Pavlovich (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
This article reviews the problem of the interaction of the process of individualization of modernizing societies with the nature of the regulatory framework. The genealogy of disciplinary practices is considered in the perspective of influencing the social aspect of the formation of a subject. The possible risks of social pathologies associated with the development of disciplinary practices in the field of normative regulation are indicated. A brief analysis of the causes of these pathologies is made, a number of recommendations are given to overcome them and to harmonize modernizing societies.
Keywords:Individualization, modernization, social regulation, disciplinary authority, panopticon, external and internal coercion
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Citation link: Klimovich A. P. The role of disciplinary practices in the process of individualization of modernizing societies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№08. -С. 64-70 |