Teteukhina O. (Postgraduate student of the Science and Pedagogy Personnel Training Faculty, Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Ryazan, Russia.)
the article presents a study of the dynamics of the psychological components of the structure of socio-psychological maturity of young male convicts serving sentences in correctional colonies, taking into account the duration of their stay in prison. The presented empirical data indicate that the conditions of serving the sentence do not contribute to the increase of socio-psychological maturity of young male convicts, forming their conformist-adaptive patterns of behavior that do not allow to build constructive and Mature relationships with others. According to the results of our study, it can be concluded that the adaptation and adaptation to the conditions of the correctional institution takes up to 5 years of serving the sentence, after which irreversible personal and behavioral changes begin. Thus, the main function-correction-after 5 years is performed less effectively, and punishment in the form of imprisonment ceases to be perceived as punishment. At the same time, convicts of the age group of 18-25 years are more prone to subcultural deformation than convicts of the age group of 26-30 years.
Keywords:convicts, youth age, socio-psychological maturity, penal institution, term of sentence, self control, psychological protection
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Citation link: Teteukhina O. The dynamics of personal components of the structure of socio-psychological maturity of the convicted youth aged male, serving sentences in correctional colonies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№02. -С. 58-65 |