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A.A. Roig’s philosophy as an articulation of civilizational and cultural formation of the Latin American collective subject of the historical process

Basmanov Alexey Vladimirovich  (Teacher, Peoples' friendship University of Russia, Moscow)

The Latin American philosophy of liberation was formed as an expression of the collective will of the peoples of Latin America, aimed at overcoming the totality of the Western European way of thinking and creating their own authentic philosophy. Roig A. A. is one of the most significant and prominent representatives of the philosophy of liberation. In his works, Roig explores the features of the historical process in the formation of the Latin American collective subject. The philosopher believes that the key role in shaping the specifics of the Latin American way of thinking is played by the peculiarities of the history of civilizational interaction on the continent. Roig re-evaluates the events of Latin American history, in particular, the Conquest, opening up new aspects of self-identification of Latin American ethnic groups. The main themes of his works are dependence and the need for liberation, the socio-historical dimension of philosophical discourse, the conflict of human society, the methodological expansion of philosophizing, the origin and formation of the historical subject, the decentralization of history, the correlation of theory and practice, the problem and Latin American symbolism.

Keywords:Philosophy of liberation, Latin America, collective subject of history, totality, decentralization, authentic philosophy, civilizational interaction, self-identification, ethnicity, dependence.


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Citation link:
Basmanov A. V. A.A. Roig’s philosophy as an articulation of civilizational and cultural formation of the Latin American collective subject of the historical process // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2020. -№09. -С. 57-61 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2020.09.05
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