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Basic beliefs of a personality, perceptions and their relationship with coverage strategies

Sekatskaya Ekaterina Olegovna  (PhD student, Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation)

Goal. The purpose of the article is to study the relationship between deep personal beliefs and coping behavior. The results of a pilot study of 70 people are analyzed. Procedure and methods of research. The theoretical basis is the cognitive-behavioral approach. The study used the questionnaire" Methods of coping behavior "by R. Lazarus, the method "Personal differential" and the Yanov-bulman scale of basic beliefs. Research result. Based on the results, a conclusion is made about the relationship of deep beliefs, as well as personal properties with coping strategies. It is suggested that the personal characteristics of a person are more conscious than deep beliefs, so the connection with coping behavior is more pronounced. The practical significance is to identify a person's ideas about himself, his beliefs and their relationship with the behavioral aspect, which is expressed in coping behavior.

Keywords:basic beliefs, coping strategies, assessment of personal qualities


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Citation link:
Sekatskaya E. O. Basic beliefs of a personality, perceptions and their relationship with coverage strategies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2020. -№08. -С. 64-68 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2020.08.18
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