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Umberto Eco and Mikhail Bakhtin: dialogue in the Middle ages and the Renaissance

Mochalov Evgeny Vladimirovich  (Doct.philos., Professor, FGBOU VO "Mordovian state University")

For the first time in the history of philosophy and cultural studies, the article attempts to explore and identify the common ideological origins of the work of the greatest thinkers of the XX-XXI centuries, M. M. Bakhtin and U. Eco. Applying a comparative approach, the author explores one of the main works of the Italian thinker devoted to the aesthetics of the Middle ages and the Renaissance. Thanks to the chosen method, it was possible to determine and justify the common views of Eco and Bakhtin in assessing the culture of the Middle ages and the Renaissance, and to emphasize their originality. A special place in the article is given to the consideration of Eco and Bakhtin's interpretations of the aesthetic views of Medieval and Renaissance thinkers. In this regard, the author explains their most important concepts, including medieval culture, symbol, beauty, text, and allegory.

Keywords:aesthetics, Middle ages, Renaissance, Bakhtin, Ecotex, humanism, Bible, symbolism.


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Citation link:
Mochalov E. V. Umberto Eco and Mikhail Bakhtin: dialogue in the Middle ages and the Renaissance // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2020. -№11. -С. 137-142 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2020.11.18
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