Torubarova Tatiana Viktorovna (Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Kursk State University)
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of the idea of the cosmophysical order in the ancient worldview. The article substantiates the position that the comfort of the cosmic whole was the basis for the formation of a person. The conditions for the realization of the full value of human being are revealed. In this regard, the idea of the polis is comprehended. In the context of thematic explication, the dictum of Protagoras is analyzed. The polemical aspects of this saying are considered. It has been established that Plato is trying to figure out the beginning of the structure of the cosmophysical world order, commensurate with human understanding. In Plato's philosophy, the idea of the good is associated with constancy as a necessary condition for the commensurability of human being and thinking with the cosmic world order. The Platonic cosmological justification of the Protagoras thesis is revealed.
Keywords:cosmophysical order, polis, nature, human existence, commensurability, harmony, peace, idea, good.
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Citation link: Torubarova T. V. The idea of the cosmophysical order in the context of self-determination of human being (antiquity) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2021. -№04. -С. 120-125 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2021.04.22 |