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Value aspect of human rights: philosophical discourse

Skopa V. A.  (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul))

The article deals with the problem of human rights in philosophical discourse. The philosophical vector of understanding the problem of human rights requires the formulation and solution of a number of theoretical and methodological problems. Law is a special social reality. It acts as a set of legal social relations in which the interdependence of individuals is expressed, connected with each other by a system of balanced ideas. From a social point of view, human rights are viewed as a specific social phenomenon determined by the social essence of the individual, the characteristics of his social roles and, accordingly, the dominant traditional and innovative interests. In the philosophical and anthropological perspective, human rights are analyzed on the basis of the assertion of the thesis about the natural and generic essence of "reasonable man", its integral attributive properties of a universal human nature.

Keywords:human rights, anthropological approach, philosophy of law, society, stratification.


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Citation link:
Skopa V. A. Value aspect of human rights: philosophical discourse // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№07. -С. 92-95 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.07.18
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