Dekman Ilona Evgenievna (associate Professor of the Department
of Special and Inclusive Education,
Ph.D. in Psychology
Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (branch in Essentuki))
The subject of the study is a set of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of preventive work on the problems of anxiety and frustration among first-year students. The purpose of the work: the development of a program of psychological support for students, combining psychodiagnostic, developmental and educational direction. The objectives of the study are aimed at systematizing knowledge about the studied phenomena of "anxiety" and "frustration" in psychological science; determining their role in ensuring the mental balance of the individual; creation of a set of measures for the development of skills of stress-coping behavior and emotional self-regulation within the framework of situationally conditioned anxiety. Research methods: analysis and systematization of scientific publications on the problem, program design. The results of the study are presented with a generalized idea of the essence and functional purpose of anxiety and frustration in ensuring the mental health of a student, as well as the design of a developmental program that includes the implementation of psychodiagnostic, organizational, informational, cognitive and psychoprophylactic conditions for psychocorrective influence. The resulting draft program can be used within the framework of the psychological service of the university as part of a set of adaptation measures.
Keywords:anxiety, frustration, mental health, student, prevention program, psycho-correctional influence, stress coping behavior, emotional self-regulation.
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Citation link: Dekman I. E. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for prevention of problems of anxiety and frustration in student age // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№09. -С. 44-51 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.09.05 |