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Spanish musical theater and genero chico as a particular type of zarzuela

Khamenok Vera   (PhD (MSU), assistant professor, Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music)

The purpose of the article is to trace the development process of genero chico. A scientific novelty of a given research is associated with poor elaboration of the topic in Russian. By studying a particular aspect of the genre's history, the author demonstrates certain characteristics of minor genres forming part of it and having far more fine subdivision. The author addresses the issues of scenography, personality of actor, composer and librettist. As a result, it becomes apparent that genero chico, included in a bigger genre of zarzuela, is heterogeneous by its nature. Moreover, she gives a reader an opportunity to have a better understanding of its functioning in cultural and historical context, as the appearance of chico is directly related to the emergence of a new system which includes: librettist, composer, scenographer, actor and, finally, audience.

Keywords:zarzuela, género chico, teatro por horas, Spanish musical theatre, Teatro Apolo.


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Citation link:
Khamenok V. Spanish musical theater and genero chico as a particular type of zarzuela // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№02. -С. 17-22 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.02.17
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