Gribkov Andrey A. (Doctor of Engineering, Chief Researcher,
Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"
This article is the second part of the study of the problem of evolutionary growth of complexity of systems. The author suggests the mechanism of local entropy decrease in the isolated system instead of the entropy decrease in the open system. The author explains the phenomenon of local entropy decrease by the presence of entropy fluctuations (dispersion). If the entropy of a system is initially high enough, then the system formed as a result of negative entropy fluctuations retains variability (i.e. a significant level of entropy fluctuations) and is able to evolve, further reducing its entropy. The author describes the de-scribed evolution property as the property of local entropy reduction in a sys-tem with high entropy. The article also describes the author's methodology for determining the complexity of systems. This methodology simultaneously cor-responds to algorithmic and theoretical-information concepts. The author also considers the applied methodology corresponding to the theoretical-multiple concept. This applied methodology was used by the author (with co-authors) in determining the complexity of the control object as part of solving the prob-lem of determining the feasibility of a control system for an industrial robot, CNC machine or mechatronic system.
Keywords:evolution, gradualness, structure formation, complexity, entropy
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Citation link: Gribkov A. A. EVOLUTIONARY GROWTH OF COMPLEXITY OF SYSTEMS. PART 2. COMPLEXITY OF SYSTEMS AND ENTROPY // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2023. -№06. -С. 68-72 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2023.06.04 |