Kulinich Aleksandr Dmitrievich (PhD student, Peoples’ friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba)
This article is describing the results of a study about person’s psychological state under the influence of functional music. The author considers that implementation of this method improves the psychological state of students. The results of an empirical study conducted by the author on a group of university students are presented in order to identify changes in the psychological state after listening to functional music. The study uses a composition of tropotrophic functional music written by the author, the effects of this music piece are described as reducing stress levels, relaxing and decreasing tension. As a result, was found a statistically proven decrease in the level of negative functional states among the tested students. The author considers the possibility of using functional music sessions in the process of education to develop student’s ability in self-regulation, to prevent and eliminate the negative states, such as stress, monotony and satiety. Discussed in this article results, have practical significance in the possibility of implementing the obtained data in the psychological support of university students to improve the quality of their educational and extracurricular activities by optimizing their psychological condition and preventing negative functional states.
Keywords:functional music, functional states, educational psychology, psychological support, university students
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Citation link: Kulinich A. D. FUNCTIONAL MUSIC USAGE IN OPTIMIZATION OF STUDENTS’ PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2023. -№12. -С. 57-60 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2023.12.09 |