Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Krylnikova Margarita Andreevna  (Postgraduate student, Department of Social Pedagogy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia )

The subject of the study is humor as a synthetic factor of self-regulation of personality in relation to the coherence of the desired-ideal and actual-real, in the context of bifurcation culture into post-non-classical science and postmodern art. Humor is considered as an ontogenetically inherent symbolic form, manifested in the collision of images of scientifically real and artistically ideal reality. Self-regulation needs a ladder for self-organization of transformation to noospheric complexity. The model is based on the genesis of the breakthroughs of Ontos's existential humor to the meaning-defining gnosis and on genus ultimate knowledge of cultural genesis. Humor also should serve as the "forests" of thought-consciousness for the subjective objectification of systemic culture. Millennia is the necessary time amplitude where it is possible to inspect phylogeny by ontogenesis. The article presents retrospective examines cultural metamorphoses in the achievements of Aristotle and Plato, Quintilian and Cicero, Thomas Hobbes, Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Mikhail Bakhtin and the results of contemporaries Yu.B. Borev, I.S. Dombrovskaya, I.V. Kazakova, O.A. Konopkin. Historiography and present are rich in a variety of textures of the concept of humor. However, the topic is poorly understood as a component of cultural genesis for the creative Z-generation at the site of self-awareness experience in the intelligent universe of the Internet. We identify generally significant signs in the symbolic form of humor to anticipate the ways of deep transformation of Personality based on transdisciplinarity phenomenology. The value of humor lies in the "triumph of the purely human" targeted to overcome mythology and in the rational speculation of the myth of the "end of science" and the artistic imagination of senseless passionhe tragedy in irrational interpretation of life as the "end of culture".

Keywords:system information culture, generation Z, symbolic form humor, transdisciplinarity, self-regulation of personality, subjective objectification, cultural genesis, post-nonclassical science, postmodern art, self-awareness


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Citation link:
Krylnikova M. A. HUMOR AS A FACTOR OF PERSONAL SELF-REGULATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№05. -С. 35-42 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.05.09
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