Pchelkina Eugenia Petrovna (Associate Professor, Department of General and Clinical Psychology,
Belgorod State National Research University (BelSU),
Belgorod, Russia
Pchelkin Mikhail Alekseevich (Postgraduate Student, Department of General and Clinical Psychology,
Belgorod State National Research University (BelSU),
Belgorod, Russia
Turdubaeva Zarina Ysmaylovna (Resident, Department of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology,
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (RMANPO),
Moscow, Russia
This article presents a review of various motivation theories in the context of their application to the psychology of designers. The focus is primarily on content and process theories of motivation, as they relate to the professional sphere. The article also examines aspects of theories applicable to the motivation of designers by such authors as A.L. Migalkina, V.I. Gerchikov, A.N. Leontiev, A. Maslow, D. McClelland, F. Herzberg, and C. Zamfir. Additionally, it provides a corresponding overview of Adams’ Equity Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, and Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory.
The article analyzes the impact of factors such as needs, expectations, and performance evaluation on motivation in the professional sphere of design activities. Special attention is given to recommendations for managing the motivation of designers, including the individualization of approaches considering the unique needs, expectations, and goals of each designer. This is achieved without losing sight of, but rather emphasizing, the overall goal for the entire design team. This overall goal includes unique tasks integrated within the context of the collective aim, allowing for autonomous variations in work for each distinct designer. The importance of creating a stimulating environment and setting clear objectives for effective motivation management and enhancing the productivity of designers is highlighted.
Keywords:motivation, professional sphere, designers, content theories of motivation, process theories of motivation, equity theory, expectancy theory, goal-setting theory, motivation management, work effectiveness
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Citation link: Pchelkina E. P., Pchelkin M. A., Turdubaeva Z. Y. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF MOTIVATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY AMONG DESIGNERS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№09. -С. 68-74 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.09.12 |