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Gafarova Olga Nilovna  (Psychologist-psychotherapist. General Director, LLC « Resource Center « Integration», Tambov )

According to the Red Cross data for 2023, the maximum number of complaints related to aggression and anger was recorded in June (41%), and May was the most depressing month. Therefore, this article presents a research and at the same time transformational method of destroying the so-called "depressive chain" as a sequence of development of depressive dynamics. Goal. To see the pattern – the "chain of causes" of the development of depression, in order to find the shortest, but no less effective way to overcome a depressive disorder. Methods. Her research on the algorithm of the Universal Model of psychotherapy "Technology of awareness of reality" is based on the mechanism of the metacognitive process of awareness discovered by the author, which formed the basis of the method. And the effectiveness of the use of depressive disorders in psychotherapy was tested on the basis of tests: "Depression scale, BDI" by A. Beck and "Diagnosis of irrational attitudes, SPB" by A. Ellis. Selection. The study of the "depressive chain" and a comparative analysis of the results were carried out on the basis of a sample of the author's client reception cards at the Tambov Integration Resource Center for the period III/2020 – II/2022, with whom individual psychosessions were conducted according to the described experimental method. A total of 20 people aged 25 to 55 years: 10 women and men of various professional profiles in the neurotic register of depressive disorders (depressive syndrome, mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, depression). Results. Overcoming the depressive dynamics in the experimental group according to the described algorithm of the author's method showed a decrease in its severity from 30.3 to 16.3, and a reduction in the psychotherapeutic counseling course by an average of 46.4%. Conclusions. These indicators prove that the identified sequence of development of depressive dynamics and its root cause – the "black spot of depression" - discovered during the study are correct. But the most important potential of the described diagnostic and at the same time transformational technique "Destruction of the depressive chain" lies in the fact that its universal algorithm, based on the mechanism of the process of awareness, can be used to open a person's positive vision of his further life path to various requests and in various psychotherapeutic methods.

Keywords:depressive chain, vicious circle of depression, depressive triad, levels of information in consciousness, stages of awareness, technology of awareness of reality, levels of information in consciousness, categories of time, process of awareness, universal model of psychotherapy, technology of awareness of reality.


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Citation link:
Gafarova O. N. THE "DEPRESSIVE CHAIN" AND ITS DESTRUCTION BY LEVELS OF THE AWARENESS PROCESS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№10. -С. 31-42 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.10.03
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