Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Yu Lilin   (Postgraduate Department of Art History, SPBGIK St. Petersburg, Russia )

At the intersection of traditional Chinese cultural values and global feminist trends, the female body becomes an essential tool for expressing personal experiences and social critique. This study examines the works of artists such as Yu Hong, Liu Manwen, and Cui Xiuwen, whose creations showcase unique approaches to representing the female body in the context of China’s changing social and political landscape. Bodily narratives serve not only as an expression of gender identity but also as a means of deconstructing patriarchal stereotypes, highlighting the unique cross-cultural intersections between Western feminist ideas and Chinese traditions. The research methodology includes a comparative analysis of Western and Chinese theories of gender performativity and their application in art. Special attention is given to the integration of feminist theory into the Chinese context and the adaptation of Western feminist ideas to the socio-cultural realities of China. The scientific novelty of this work lies in uncovering the specific features of bodily narratives in contemporary Chinese female art, where the body serves as a symbol not only of female representation but also of the struggle for social change. This study deepens our understanding of the role of female art in social transformation and the rethinking of gender roles in Chinese society.

Keywords:Bodily Narratives, Feminist Art, Gender Identity, Chinese Female Artists, Cultural Critique, Cross-Cultural Analysis


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Citation link:
Yu L. REINTERPRETING BODILY NARRATIVES IN THE WORK OF 21ST-CENTURY CHINESE FEMALE ARTISTS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№12. -С. 30-34 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.12.26
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