Biryukova Irina Aleksandrovna (Senior Lecturer, Department of Defectology,
G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Miriutsa Ekaterina Valer’yevna (Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Polushkina Irina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Topil’skaya Ol’ga Anatol’yevna (Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Deputy Director, Center for Child and Youth Creativity Development
Yur’yeva Tat’yana Vladislavovna (Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Head of Clinical Psychology, G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Uvarov Evgeniy Alekseyevich ( Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Clinical Psychology,
G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in recent years there has been an increase in the number of children with behavioral deviations, which has a negative impact on their personal and social development, and also creates serious problems for parents and teachers. The awareness of the mechanisms behind the formation of behavioral deviations and the development of effective methods for its prevention and correction are extremely important to ensure the healthy and harmonious development of the younger generation.
Purpose of the study. Diagnostics and correction of negative emotional states (depressive states, emotional breakdowns), behavioral disorders in pupils of organizations for children in difficult life situations.
Methods. The study was conducted from February to November 2024. The study included testing Тest of propensity for deviant behavior A.V. Leus and A.G. Solovyova, Personal Anxiety Test A.M. Prikhozhan, Test of Emotions G.V. Rezapkina, M. Kovak’s questionnaire for determining childhood depression. The experimental group for testing the developed program included 30 children and adolescents, whose families are registered as families with a socially dangerous situation, aged 12 to 15 years. Statistical data processing was carried out through a comparative analysis of the input and output testing data using the Wilcoxon T-test.
Results. A program for the prevention and correction of behavioral deviations among pupils of organizations for children in difficult life situations was developed, which consists of three workbooks for the prevention and correction of the consequences of crisis situations, depressive states, and emotional breakdowns.
The results of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed program are presented.
Keywords:behavioral deviations, difficult life situation, depressive states, emotional breakdowns, prevention and correction of crisis situations.
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Citation link: Biryukova I. A., Miriutsa E. V., Polushkina I. V., Topil’skaya O. A., Yur’yeva T. V., Uvarov E. A. CORRECTION OF BEHAVIORAL DEVIATIONS IN PUPILS OF ORGANIZATIONS FOR CHILDREN IN DIFFICULT LIFE SITUATIONS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2025. -№01. -С. 35-43 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2025.01.03 |