Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Features of education of culture of interethnic relations in adolescents of different nationalities

Koreneva Vera Viktorovna  (Siberian Federal University)

Latushkina Viktoriya Nikolaevna  (the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor of the Siberian Federal University)

One of the conditions of building a positive and civilized relations with students of other nationalities is the interaction based on tolerance, understanding and respect for other beliefs, opinions and traditions. This article highlights the problem of formation of readiness and ability of adolescents to organize their activities in the multiethnic environment. For success in this environment people should be able to provide positive inter-ethnic relations. Therefore, the formation of readiness and the skills necessary for this, becomes the most important task of psychologists, educators, and education organizations. Based on this, studies have been conducted a more thorough examination of national-cultural peculiarities of the different nationalities of students in schools, destruction of ethnic stereotypes and develop skills for conflict-free communication between the students, considering their cultural and communicative features. In the course of the study were analyzed and described the results of a poll of students from Krasnoyarsk schools.

Keywords:international communication, tolerance, ethnic identity.


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Citation link:
Koreneva V. V., Latushkina V. N. Features of education of culture of interethnic relations in adolescents of different nationalities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№01-02. -С. 24-30
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