Anuashvili Avtandil Nikolayevich (Doctor of sciences(engineering), main scientist at The Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences)
The article shows that the basis of science, philosophy and religion is one and the same - man's conviction that the world around us is arranged naturally and there is a natural beginning of nature in nature. It is shown that philosophy connects science and religion in a way of thinking. Philosophy is connected with religion by categorical thinking, and with science by probabilistic thinking. The methods of philosophy are applicable equally to science and to religion, while the methods of science and religion are incompatible. The mechanism of obtaining information about the regular structure of the world around us is explained by coherent registration of the natural brain of the human brain under the conditions of coherence between hemispheres. Examples of spectral analysis of brain radiation for different degrees of coherence between hemispheres are given.
Keywords:science, religion, philosophy, communication, regular beginning, radiation generator, coherence, hemisphere, image, information
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Citation link: Anuashvili A. N. The connection between science, philosophy and religion and ways of human perception of information about the natural structure of the surrounding world // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№01-02. -С. 35-38 |