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Hand made as a product of postmodernism

Antonova Irina Anatol'evna  (Post-graduate Student, University for Humanities (Ekaterinburg) )

the article examines the modern practices of needlework and decorative and applied art, called handmade. The author defines this phenomenon as a product of the postmodern era, as indicated by such features as: the emergence of new terminology, features of the materials used, a kind of handmade industry, intertextuality of manufactured things, changes in the motives and objectives of these practices. It is noted that the handmade items in contrast to today, serial the same type of objects, retain the warmth of human hands, have personality and spirituality. Also, the created things help a person to realize the existence of the near being, are an attempt to return their corporeality, materiality and being to the improvised things.

Keywords:handmade things, handmade, creativity, internal and external space, postmodernism


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Citation link:
Antonova I. A. Hand made as a product of postmodernism // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№03. -С. 4-7
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