Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The tradition of slow food in the food culture of the Altai

Enchinov Erkin Valeryevich  (Candidate of historical sciences (PhD), senior researcher, BNU RA «S.S. Surazakova Research Institute of Altaic», (city Gorno-Altaisk).)

The article discusses the features of the traditional cuisine of the Altaians. The basis of food in the Altai culture was dairy, meat and vegetable food. For example, eating meat of lamb, the cooking begins with the time of slaughtering the animal: blood sausage, grilled meat with bacon, boiled heart, kidney, spleen, ribs, a delicacy from the innards of derham, meat soups. Preparation of traditional dishes according to tradition, is measured and takes several hours, and the consumption of dishes is carried out without haste. At the beginning of XXI century. customs and food culture have become part of traditional knowledge and serve as an expression of ethnic identity.

Keywords:Altaians, ethnography, traditions, custom, rite, ritual, meat, food consumption.


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Citation link:
Enchinov E. V. The tradition of slow food in the food culture of the Altai // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№06. -С. 14-17
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