Kapustina T. V. (the lecturer, Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok, Russia))
Elzesser A. S. (the lecturer, Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok, Russia))
Kabanova P. V. (Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok, Russia))
Kadyrov R. V. (candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, Pacific State Medical University (Vladivostok, Russia) )
Existing methods for diagnosing Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) either don’t have confirmed data on psychometric properties, or require extensive tools and significant time costs, which necessitates the creation of a methodology for the diagnosis of early maladaptive schemes. The authors describe the stages of developing a methodology based on the projective method. The first stage using the method of directed associative experiment made it possible to develop the primary version of the methodology. Respondents were presented with concepts that are an incentive and corresponding to the causes of EMS or the manifestation of EMS in adulthood. Sample descriptions were obtained that formed the basis of graphic subjects - the stimulus material of the methodology. At the second stage of the study, the content validity of the methodology was determined, showing how adequately the images reflect the meaning of the measured phenomenon. The analysis compared the obtained associations with those embedded in the image, as well as the correspondence of the emotional coloring to the characteristic of the EMS. As a result, 36 of the 72 options were selected. In the final version of the technique, for each early maladaptive scheme there are two stimulus cards: the reason for the formation of this EMS in childhood and its manifestation in adulthood.
Keywords:Early Maladaptive Schemas, projective technique, associations, associative experiment, diagnostics, content validity
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Citation link: Kapustina T. V., Elzesser A. S., Kabanova P. V., Kadyrov R. V. Development of the projective technique for diagnostics of early maladaptive schemes // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№11. -С. 29-32 |