It has been noted in «The Global Risks Report», published on January 19 2021 by the World Economic Forum, that the “current economic crisis is the deepest on record in the peacetime history”. The President of the RF V.V. Putin, while speaking at the forum, made the following point: “We have all reasons to believe that there are risks of further growth in controversies. And such trends can appear virtually in all spheres”. This finding has been confirmed by the research provided by UNO’s conference on Trade and Development. The point of view, expressed by the group of the Russian scientists in 2003, that “the likelihood of the mankind self-destruction is growing steadily”, has obtained the universal recognition, as well as the finding that “the mankind will only be able to survive if it manages to go through transformation”. Taking into consideration that the crisis is rendered in all the aspects – economical, political, social, technological… - more and more researchers note its gnosiological and ideological character. Growth in popularity of publications, dedicated to subject matter of “practical philosophy” is justified by the authors by inability of theoretical philosophy to provide the answers to the relevant requests of the man and the mankind. The article is dedicated to the basics of value-sense philosophy, which allows to eliminate the inconsistency between the theoretical and practical philosophy and grants the opportunity to come out of the global crisis, following the “positive, harmonious and creative path”, the importance of which was stated by the president of the RF, V.V. Putin in his speech at WEF - 2021 in Davos.
Keywords:value, sense, philosophy, freedom, responsibility, consciousness, maturity, creativity, science, ethics, intellect, individual, subject, management, harmony, economy, transformation, sustainability, development, civilization.