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Vocal music of Alexander Spendiaryan in the educational and pedagogical and concert repertoire of kazan singers

Gordeeva Tatyana   (Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor Kazan State Institute of Culture, Russia, Kazan)

The name of the composer Alexander Spendiaryan, well known to the general public in the Soviet era, is almost unknown to modern vocal performers in Kazan, despite the high musical culture of the capital city. Based on the analysis of archival materials of the Tatar State Philharmonic Society and the library funds of the Republican Library, as well as interviews with musicologists and professors of vocal art, it was found that the main reasons for oblivion were the absence of musical reprints of the composer's vocal and vocal-choral works in Russia for half a century.

Keywords:vocal art; Kazan singers; composer Alexander Spendiaryan.


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Citation link:
Gordeeva T. Vocal music of Alexander Spendiaryan in the educational and pedagogical and concert repertoire of kazan singers // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№12. -С. 15-17 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.12.07
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