Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Raspopova Nina Ivanovna  (Candidate of Psychological Sciences Assistant professor St. Petersburg State University of Trade Unions )

Introduction. The article discusses the study of the cognitive process of attention, its development features from three to six years. Cognitive processes underlie the formation of cognitive needs, which is the driving force for the development of intelligence, that is, the formation of general cultural and professional competencies. Attention plays a special role in the development of all mental phenomena: processes, properties, states. It is included in all mental phenomena. Without the formation of attention, not a single mental phenomenon can develop, regardless of the potential data of this mental phenomenon. We studied the properties of attention using the cross-sectional method at three years, four years, five years, and six years. The period when a child begins to attend kindergarten and highly qualified specialists from public institutions have the opportunity to have a significant influence on the development of all mental properties: processes, personality traits, states, including such an important cognitive process as attention. We studied both the physiological characteristics of attention: structure, dynamics, gender differences, and the social conditions in which the child developed: kindergarten, Aesthetic Education Center, home. The features of the influence of these conditions on the formation of attention properties are revealed. Theoretical analysis. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the formation of attention in children aged 3 to 6 years, indicating that individual properties of attention were studied mainly in older preschool age. Empirical analysis. The empirical part of the work examines the results of the study, which allowed us to draw a conclusion about the uneven formation of attention from three to six years and the dependence of the development of attention properties on the social conditions of the child’s development. Conclusion and conclusions. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are developed.

Keywords:attention, dynamics, structure, social conditions, systems approach, stability of attention, cognitive processes, preschool age, research, development.


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Citation link:
Raspopova N. I. DEVELOPMENT OF ATTENTION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DEPENDING ON SOCIAL CONDITIONS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№05. -С. 73-77 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.05.19
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