Skopa V. A. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Altai State Pedagogical University
Volnykh S. S. (PhD student
Altai State Pedagogical University
The value world of each person is vast. New meanings and values, realized through the rethinking by young people of their needs, reflecting their desires and aspirations, interests as specific ways of their realization and values as the highest moral regulators of choosing one of many paths, bear the influence of specific living conditions of young people. Based on the identified sources and their theoretical analysis, it was determined that cultural values are regulators of social life, which are constantly in dynamics. Young people are the most promising segment of the population, since they receive a certain level of knowledge and the future of the country largely depends on their values and behavior.
Keywords:cultural values, youth, society, social philosophy, paradigm.
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Citation link: Skopa V. A., Volnykh S. S. CULTURAL VALUES IN THE LIFE OF YOUNG PEOPLE: A SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№11. -С. 125-127 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.11.16 |