Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Isagulova Elena Yurievna  (Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Director of Non-State Medical Institution "Clinical Center for Mental Health")

The article highlights an analytic review of the current literature on the problem of the relationship between borderline personality disorder and psychotraumatization in childhood, as well as on the role of the interaction between childhood traumatization and other predictors of the development and progression of borderline personality disorder. The ecologist hypothesis (the myth of simple trauma), the biosocial hypothesis (the myth of complex trauma), and the genetic entanglement hypothesis were revealed to explain the features of the mutual influence of childhood psychotrauma and borderline personality disorder in the future. It is clarified that the pathway from trauma to borderline personality disorder is through genes and is not causal, and that trauma is causally related to borderline personality disorder, but the effect is mitigated by the individual's genes. Theories of the relationship between psychotrauma and borderline personality disorder from an ecological and biosocialist perspective are analyzed to explain why childhood trauma may be causally related to borderline personality disorder. It is concluded that there is no simple causal relationship between psychotrauma and BPL: none of the studies could exclude potential distorting variables, including genetics, whereas childhood trauma has minimal causal significance. Instead, genetics and environmental factors explain differences in PRL symptoms. Some forms of psychotrauma are likely adaptive in that they trigger painful memories and ruminations that motivate the individual to avoid the circumstances that led to the traumatic event. However, the notion that psychotrauma is a pervasive causal variable that accounts for PDP symptomatology is ambiguous and not fully proven.

Keywords:borderline personality disorder, childhood trauma, psychological trauma, child abuse, empathy, emotional regulation, social cognition.


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Citation link:
Isagulova E. Y. CHILDHOOD TRAUMA AND BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№11. -С. 68-74 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.11.09
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