Cultural science
The main methodological approaches to the study of the selfimage in Russian and foreign psychologyGutova T. S., (candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Kuban state medical University, Krasnodar) Popova Y. I., (candidate of psychological Sciences, Kuban state University, Krasnodar) Marukhno V. M., (PhD in law, Kuban state medical University, Krasnodar)
P. 40-43 |
Personal characteristics of women with reproductive dysfunctionEremishkina A. R., (Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Bashkir state pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa) Shurukhina G. A., (Candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Bashkir state pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa) Valishina A. M., (senior lecturer, Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Bashkir state pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa)
P. 50-53 |
Model of psychological readiness of athletes different ages for training and competitive activitiesRaikov V. K., (Director, Regional state budgetary institution "Sports school of Olympic reserve named after H. B. Saytiyev») Vysotskaya V. A., (Psychologist, Regional state budgetary institution "Sports school of Olympic reserve named after H. B. Saytiyev») Kolmakova E. G., (Vice-Rector, Regional state Autonomous institution of additional professional education "Krasnoyarsk regional Institute for advanced training of physical culture and sports workers»)
P. 86-93 |
Software simulation as a method of philosophical formalizationMikhailova O. N., (PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Balakovo Institute of Engineering and Technology - a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University" MEPhI "(Balakovo)) Shlyakhta D. N., (Balakovo Institute of Engineering and Technology - a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University" MEPhI "(Balakovo))
P. 131-136 |
To the problem of the formation of social philosophy of the XX century: marx’s concepting the concept of alienationOgarkov A. N., (PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz ") Smetankina L. V., (doctor of philosophical science, Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation )
P. 148-153 |