Журнал «Современная Наука»

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On the history of the regulations governing the development of boxing in BASSR

Khabibullina Aigul Rafkatovna  (doctor of historical Sciences, associate Professor, Bashkir state University)

Kadymov Aydar Amirovich  (Teacher, Ufa YUI of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia )

The article is devoted to the history of boxing in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the role of regulatory documents in the development of this process. The chronological scope of the work covers the second half of the twentieth century. The purpose of the work was to identify and analyze the regulatory and legal factors that determined the formation and development of boxing in the republic in the period after the Great Patriotic War. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time in historical science the development of Bashkir boxing in the specified period of time is analyzed, and the influence of regulatory legal documents on this process is analyzed. The result of the study is the author's conclusion that the normative acts of the Bashkir ASSR aimed at developing boxing in the second half of the 20th century provide an opportunity to determine the main patterns and trends of boxing development in the region, to identify positive experience in organizing work in this area for further improvement. The author states the conclusion that for the leadership of physical culture and sports, including boxing, in the period under review, a party-state and public management system was formed. This system was divided into trade unions, voluntary sports communities, sports clubs. Until the early 1990's, an important role played by party organs, primarily the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League (Komsomol). But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the central authorities gave the regions the opportunity to solve their own problems. The instability of the central government was manifested in the repeated reform of the state body for the management of physical culture and sports, which made it impossible to conduct purposeful activities to develop physical culture and sports in the regions with the necessary efficiency. Underfunding from the center led to the closure of sports facilities, children's and youth sports schools, their re-profiling, which included, among other things, boxing.

Keywords:history of boxing, sport in Bashkortostan, sports legislation


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Citation link:
Khabibullina A. R., Kadymov A. A. On the history of the regulations governing the development of boxing in BASSR // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№01. -С. 38-42
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