Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Criteria for the selection of precedent phenomena of culture for teaching a foreign language

Ovezova Umeda Akparovna  (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor RUDN University)

Wagner Monica-Nataliia Laurensovna  (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, RUDN University )

In order to become a full-fledged participant in intercultural communication, a student of a foreign language (FL) can become an active and full participant in intercultural dialogue, provided that he has formed a secondary linguistic personality (SLP), the development of which is ensured by the mastery of precedent cultural phenomena (PFC), which contain national, sociocultural, historical information, and is an indicator of its formation. The article proposes a system of criteria for selecting PFC for foreign language lessons; PFC are characterized as a means of forming VLL, which are cognitive structures formed in the cognitive base of native speakers on the basis of their socio-cultural and national-historical experience, contribute to the formation of a foreign-language picture of the world, the acquisition of intercultural communication skills. It has been determined that VLL is a communicatively active subject that is easily included in intercultural communication and is able to correctly produce speech behavior in a certain situation of intercultural communication. A system of PFC selection criteria has been identified, which consists of basic (informativeness, nominativity, pragmatism, usage) and optional (programmatic, intercultural connectedness) criteria. It has been suggested that the inclusion of PFC as a didactic material in the content of FL lessons can make it more effective, ensure the actualization of interdisciplinary connections, and contribute to the formation of VLL and intercultural competence.

Keywords:secondary linguistic personality, selection criteria, precedent phenomena of culture.


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Citation link:
Ovezova U. A., Wagner M. L. Criteria for the selection of precedent phenomena of culture for teaching a foreign language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№03/3. -С. 94-97 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.03-3.28
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