Mirzayeva U. A. (Baku Slavic University)
This article is written on the current topic. In recent years, more and more articles and monographs directly devoted to integrated education in universities have appeared in the Azerbaijani philological science. As a rule, there are many scientifically based hypotheses in favor of this type of education compared to some others, in which the traditionally close relationship of several disciplines was not previously considered to be the most important prerogative of successful teaching modern Russian in higher education institutions as a foreign one.
This position leads to the idea that this type of training includes a number of forms, techniques or methodological approaches to solving various problem situations. The author of the article focused on independent work, more precisely, on the dynamics of the consistent development of the mental activity of Azerbaijani students.
Keywords:integration; technique; independent work; intensive training; activation; competence; thematic discussion; business conversation; problem situations.
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Citation link: Mirzayeva U. A. Use of various types of works in the process of integrated teaching of students- Azerbaijanis to Russian language as a foreign // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№02/2. -С. 65-69 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.02-2.20 |