Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Development of acmeological competence of future specialists in the field of education

Kerzhentseva Anna Vladimirovna  (Ph.D., associate professor, Head of the Department of primary education institute training and retraining of Kabardino-Balkaria State University)

The problem of training of teachers for primary classes in the process of continuing education is presented in the paper. New developments in the higher education system influence on the training of teachers. It has stated that the task of specialist training requires the quick and quality implementation of the program in his training. It is obvious that the two-stage system of higher education reduces the time of training. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the model of specialist training in this area.

Keywords:education, two-stage system of higher education, teacher of primary school, continuing education, acmeology


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Citation link:
Kerzhentseva A. V. Development of acmeological competence of future specialists in the field of education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№02. -С. 88-91
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