Torshin Georgii Stanislavovich (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor)
Malinina Snezhana Vladimirovna (candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor)
Belyaev Anatoly Leonidovich (candidate of medical Sciences)
Borodina Taisiya Anatolievna (applicant,
Lesgaft National state University of physical education, sport and health)
In modern sport the degree of efficiency of competitive activity of the athlete, including the captain, are closely interrelated with optimally chosen means and methods of control, which enables fast feedback between coach and athlete. Of particular importance in integrated control the level of sports training in the process of training stage of training sailors is played by the assessment of the functional state of the organism, along with an assessment of physical, technical, tactical and psychological preparedness of the athlete. Timely information on the status of the athlete allows you to define areas of work in order to achieve high sports results.
Keywords:sailors, functional state, psychophysiological indicators, performance, integrated control.
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Citation link: Torshin G. S., Malinina S. V., Belyaev A. L., Borodina T. A. Evaluation of the functional state of sailors in the integrated control // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12/2. -С. 63-65 |