The main feature of the polyphonic text, according to M.M. Bakhtin, it is necessary to consider existential equality in the text space of all the characters, who in this case must have a reflective self-consciousness, manifested through an appeal to the Other in search of truth. Appeal to Bakhtin's theoretical ideas makes it possible to discover in M.A. Bulgakov's Master and Margarita is not polyphony, but a two-contour narrative (second / outer outline of the narrative), which allows us to talk about the quasi-polyphony of the novel, as well as the stylistic dichotomy (or binary) of the narrative and the presence of xenophonism in it. The article considers the two-contour narrative in the novel "The Master and Margarita". The main idea is that in the text of Bulgakov's work two contours of the narrative can be found, while one - intretextual - is non-polylonic (monologic), and relative to the second one can speak of intertextuality, which researchers call polyphony. The main goal of this article is that the intratext narrative of "Master and Margarita" does not have the property of polyphony. To characterize the narrative structure, in which there is no basic feature of polyphony, it is quite correct, in our opinion, to use the term quasi-polyphony.
Keywords:polyphony, two-contour narrative, quasi-polyphony, "Master and Margarita", M.A. Bulgakov, M.M. Bakhtin.