Abdurakhmanova Naida G. (Postgraduate, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)
The article examines the syntactic and stylistic functions of word order in a Russian sentence in the process of teaching children a foreign language Russian language. The order of words is considered as one of the means formation of sentences, which directly affect the meaning of the sentence. The grammatical role of components of the proposal depends on the place that takes the word in a sentence, which in turn determines the semantics of the sentence. There is an opinion that Russian language free word-order is not quite right. Direct and inverse word order means flexibility the arrangement of words in the Russian sentence and not beyond the norm. Inversion is an unusual arrangement of words in a sentence that is not normal for the Russian language. The change of word order brings additional stylistic meaning. The goal of the inversion is logical or expressive selection of separate parts of the sentence. Teaching kids a foreign language Russian language involves the formation of key competences, with the aim of further successful social adaptation of children of migrants, where the possession of literate Russian speech is the main condition.
Keywords:syntactic and stylistic functions, word order, formation of sentences, additional stylistic meaning, inversion, key competence
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Citation link: Abdurakhmanova N. G. Syntactic and stylistic functions of the order of words in the Russian sentence in the process of teaching children of inophones // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№02. -С. 47-50 |