Koretskaya S. (Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor North Caucasian branch of the Moscow automobile and road state technical university (Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate) in Lermontov)
Bolotova U. (Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of history and legal philosophy Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) of SKFU in Pyatigorsk)
Pedagogics of the family relations very difficult process. The family performs advisory function by determination of customs, traditions, methods of educational impact on children on the organization of work of rest; on development of optimum norms of relationship between family members, relatives, the immediate environment. The North Caucasus on accumulation by mountaineers of experience of education in respect of studying is very interesting. But this experience isn't separated from universal culture and is her part and is uniform with her. Opening, analyzing history and continuity of pedagogical culture of this or that ethnic community it is possible to notice, localization of her separate phenomena in regions of the North Caucasus.
Keywords:education, family education, traditional culture, continuity, and value orientation
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Citation link: Koretskaya S. , Bolotova U. Structure and the relations in traditional family of mountaineers and in family of "modern" type // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№03/2. -С. 75-78 |