Makedonsky Andrej Viktorovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, State University of Land Use Planning (Russia, Moscow))
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the activity on the elimination of illiteracy and functional illiteracy, as well as the teaching of the Russian language to the soldiers of non-Russian nationality in the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army in the 1920s-1930s. It is emphasized that without this task it was impossible to effectively solve such problems as the political and cultural development of Red Army soldiers and junior commanders, and the study of military affairs. The following features of this work were revealed during the interwar period: 1) elimination of illiteracy and functional illiteracy in territorial units; 2) elimination of illiteracy and functional illiteracy among servicemen of non-Russian nationality; and teaching them in the Russian language in personnel units and national formations. It is noted that in the late 1930s, in connection with the transition of the Armed Forces to a single personnel recruitment system, the problem of reinforcement in parts of general education work arose. In this regard, the specificity of this work was to eliminate illiteracy and functional illiteracy among servicemen, as well as in training non-Russian soldiers of the Russian language.
Keywords:The Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, illiteracy, functional illiteracy, territorial units, national military formations, general education, personnel units.
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Citation link: Makedonsky A. V. Features of the work on the elimination of illiteracy in the Red Army in 1920-30-ies // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№05/2. -С. 14-17 |