Nurgaleeva Guzel’ Muslimovna (PhD in philology, associate professor, Moscow State (national research)
University of civil engineering (NRU MGSU))
This article presents linguistic and stylistic changes in the text of MBA graduation works. The principal attention is given to the functioning of terms from economy and management, created based on metaphorization. Most of economy and management terms in the Russian language are calques and borrowings from English and American professional literature. Metaphorization is a highly productive method of creating terms used in economy and, especially, in management. Most of specialized management terms are words that are close to specialized terms in meaning but are at the same time emotional, image-bearing, and are made up of professionalisms, colloquial vocabulary and jargonisms. It is a characteristic feature of management terms to include such words. The style of MBA graduate qualification works reflects the trends of development of the professional style of economy and management, making it close to the popular scientific and conversational narrative styles.
Keywords:borrowing, calquing, management, metaphorization, professional communication, term.
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Citation link: Nurgaleeva G. M. Several points about the style of MBA graduate qualification works // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№05/2. -С. 66-68 |