Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Features of Church-state relations in the Soviet period, 1920–1964

Gromov Roman   (lecturer, Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration, Central Russian Institute of management-branch)

Filonov Vladimir Ivanovich  (Doctor of historical Sciences, associate Professor, Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration, Central Russian Institute of management-branch)

The article discusses church - state relations in the USSR of 1920 to 1964, highlights the issue of creation and functioning of the state institution - the Council on the ROC, the activities of the Commissioner for the ROC. The role of the Russian Orthodox Church in social service in the Ryazan diocese. The martyrdom of the archpastors in the atheistic time, the transformation of the feelings of believers, regardless of the political situation. The value of the church in the spiritual - moral development of the younger generation.

Keywords:Russian Orthodox Church, Council on Russian Orthodox Church Affairs, Council on Religious Affairs, Church of the Sorrow, repressions, Ryazan.


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Citation link:
Gromov R. , Filonov V. I. Features of Church-state relations in the Soviet period, 1920–1964 // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№02. -С. 17-20
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